Archive for the ‘CierraH’ Category

Mahogany Bay

Posted: May 20, 2016 by cierraph22 in CierraH, Uncategorized

On a tiny piece of Honduras, just off the main land

Rests Mahogany Bay and Roatan Island,

With beaches more beautiful than a post card picture,

and sand whiter than snow,

and water clearer than crystals,

two gas stations on the whole island, hardly any cars,

and tropical forests greener than I’ve ever seen before,

and the nicest people I’ve ever met.

That’s what Roatan Island was,

and although the island was sad, the people were happy.

It was beautiful.




Posted: May 20, 2016 by cierraph22 in CierraH

Silence fills the room

Heads hit the desks

Pencils rise and begin to write

Teachers begin to teach

My eyes begin to wonder off

Dullness fills my mind

Counting down the end of class

Waiting for the final bell




Posted: April 14, 2016 by cierraph22 in CierraH, Uncategorized


If I could go back to Honduras every day for the rest of my life, I would,

Mahogany Bay and Roatan Island in the Caribbean waters, very untouched and pure of everyday life

A private beach called Tabyana, hidden among the palm trees and fern bushes,

Exotic birds flew happily as if they were welcoming us to our destination,

There was no place on earth that could compare to the natural beauty, as green to the trees and as light blue to the ocean,

The water was so calm and clear inside the cove, peaceful and relaxing,

The sand cascaded the beach in a vibrant white sheet,

A coral reef rested not too far from the shore,

Snorkeling with fish of many colors, blues, pinks, yellows, and reds,

The air was filled with a coconut smell that wavered along the breeze,

The day consisted of joyously splashing along the beach, sleeping in the heated sunlight, security guard at hand to keep local islanders away,

Tabyana stretched on for miles and miles, and so did the beauty it withheld.